Out of all of our outreaches in Haiti, the one that is closest to our hearts is the area of “Truttier,” the garbage dump. This is located near Cité Soleil, one of the most dangerous areas of Haiti. Many of the people who live in the garbage dumps came from Cité Soleil and other bad areas… they came because they felt that the “garbage dumps” were safer than where they lived. How sad! They began to make “their homes,” out of anything they could find… pieces of cardboard, tin, tarps, and whatever else they could find.
Their life consists of trying to find enough food and water each day to eat and drink, and most of the time they have to buy water. They find things in the garbage, (the filthiest things you can imagine) and sell what plastic bottles they find, or pieces of wire, etc. This is how they survive. We know we cannot solve all of their problems, but we can show them that God has not forgotten them.
Sharing food with them is one of our greatest joys, especially sharing with the children. The vast majority never go to school… how could they ever afford school when they cannot afford food?
The people and children feel that everyone has forgotten them, but God has never forgotten them. He loves them.
We wish to thank all of our friends and partners who give little or give more to help us feed these precious children and their families. When they see our food trucks coming, they have “hope,” and as the Haitians say, “hope makes us live.”
Thank you and may God richly bless you, according to Psalms 41:1-3.
Bobby and Sherry