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Hoping to Multiply Food for the Hungry

No one gets more excited about giving food away than Bobby… especially when we have fish! We had been getting food from Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), but due to coronavirus, they had to cut back on the food they were sending to missionaries around the world. (But, praise God, we should have two containers of FMSC rice coming soon!)

Haiti is in an “emergency hunger crisis,” due to COVID-19 and many other problems. So, yesterday we gave out “large sacks of rice and two big tilapia fish” to each woman with a food card. (We even had an old Grandma “do a dance” when she came to get her rice and fish!) “Thank you, partners,” for sponsoring the rice and fish!

Next Saturday, we will be giving the mega rice, and hopefully the FMSC rice will be here in time. We are praying that the Lord supplies the funds to buy tilapia fish again, to share it with all the missionary and humanitarian groups who are coming for food Saturday.

If the Lord lays it upon your heart to help us buy fish, call Rad at our Love A Child office: 239-210-6107. We are praying that the Lord will supply $7,000 to buy hundreds of fish so that we can go to several more areas also.

Thank you, and may God bless you! Saturday, God will “multiply the food that will be going to 90 organizations, who also feed children!”


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