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How to Feed the Children of Haiti

There are so many hungry children in Haiti that it is impossible for Love A Child to feed them all. We have many villages that we are feeding, some very far away, some in the mountains, some in the L’Artibonite area (a tough, dangerous road to travel), and many other areas. We also have many schools in hard to reach areas of Haiti. But, “feeding hungry children” is a big job!

We realized that if we could get sponsors for containers of food, we could share a portion of what we receive with nearly 100 organizations. And if we couldn’t “share that much,” we would do what we could. In this sense, these “friend” missionaries each feed children all over Haiti, and they would be the “tentacles or branches” of Love A Child. These children, and many more, are being fed at “Second Chance Global,” and we love their outreach. Thank you, friends, for all of your help!


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