Hurricane Update: Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti on October 4th. While the hurricane is over, the tragedy has just begun because of the loss of crops, gardens, animals, disease, and thousands of Haitian homes that have been destroyed. Devastation is everywhere, especially in Southern Haiti where it is unbelievable.
Together we have brought in materials, tin, lumber and nails to restore over 400 roofs that were destroyed. We have provided food and money for building materials to Gonave Island, and have given $48,276 in cash to different missionaries and to Mayor Polynice to help in their areas. We have brought in tarps, blankets, garden tools, seeds, goats and chickens, and given away hundreds of emergency buckets with all kinds of supplies inside. We made two trips to Port Salut, had a Mobile Medical Clinic there, and are now preparing for a second clinic. We worked through Joan and Ray Conn in the Port Salut area and helped Joel Trimble send supplies to Jeremie, which was devastated. We are now receiving reports that some people in the worst hit areas there are dying from starvation. Between October to December we will be giving out 28 40-foot containers of food at a total cost of $280,000. Without you we could not be doing any of this. Thank you and we love you. Bobby and Sherry