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“I Have a Dream…”

Those were the famous and most unforgettable words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Today, those words give our youth the same “chance to dream.”

Here in Haiti, things are more difficult… all of our 24 college students had to be sent home to Love A Child due to shootings in the streets near their colleges. They are home now, but talk about and pray about “their dreams.”

This is Widlene… she was just about to go into her second year of college to become a professional cook when she had to come home. These children were born to be a success! Widlene dreams every day of going to work as a professional cook! We will see what her future holds… but in the meantime, she helps prepare meals for the orphanage and helps prepare food lists to be bought and sent here. It’s not what her dream is, but she has FAITH that these hardships “won’t last.” She knows that “the Lord lasts forever, problems never do!” She knows she can see herself in a big restaurant, and the smell of food cooking all around! She will “reach for her dream!”


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