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…But if You Teach a Man to Fish…

…But if You Teach a Man to Fish…

“ …but if you teach a man to fish…”

Today is the first day of the newest session of our three-week, intensive Sustainable Agriculture in Haiti training course. Eight students arrived at our Agricultural Training Center (ATC) yesterday to check-in, share a meal together and go through orientation so they can hit the ground running this morning. This residential training class will change the course of their lives for generations to come.

Four separate organizations, working in various sections throughout Haiti, have each sent two students to our school. A fifth organization wanted to send three of their students, but we only had room for two, so they will send the three to a later class. It is a great idea to send multiple students because what one might not get, hopefully, the other one will, then when they return to their home village, they really support one another, and the community projects are usually much more successful.

The students will learn valuable, sustainable gardening methods that will allow them to reliably grow nutritious fruits and vegetables for their families and their community. They will learn about basic soil science, making natural organic fertilizers and insecticides, mulching, proper irrigation when water is scarce, and many other things. The students are proud to gain their new skills, developing a new hope for a better life and a new dignity as they learn methods to take care of themselves. This is sustainability, helping Haitians to help themselves, demonstrating the love of Christ.

A huge thank you to those of you who helped these students attend by donating to ATC scholarships. Your gift will yield a mighty harvest for the Lord.

Rad Hazelip,
Assistant Executive Director

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