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In the midst of hunger, God gives a harvest!

Good morning… These pictures were taken this morning inside our Orphans’ home. Wow!! Look what God can do!!!

You can read on Google or any news on Haiti about how Haiti is in severe hunger. Our Agricultural Training Center guys teach Haitians how to grow crops with drip irrigation, make compost, and homemade fertilizer. Helping Haitians to help themselves with sustainability projects.

Israel took a desert of dry ground and is producing crops in abundance. They have inspired us here in Haiti!

Thank all of you who support our sustainability programs. You can see the results.

Thank you, Wilner Exil; you are the man with a green thumb. Your team and students are the best.

Thank you, Rad, for your vision for this project … and so many others who have been involved in this project. Hope Seeds and David, we love you.

Joe Perkins and Ron Lusk with Sustainable Food Production, who put in several shade houses for our agriculture program… A lot of hard work produces a harvest!!!

Here in Haiti, we all have worked hard in the midst of chaos. We shall reap what we sow!!!

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Love is something you do!
Bobby Burnette
Love A Child

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