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It Was “Move-In Day” Yesterday!

It Was “Move-In Day” Yesterday!

Yesterday we dedicated the new Jesus Healing Center Staff Housing. Everyone was so excited! All the medical staff had given such good care to all the poor mountain families who come to our Clinic. We wanted now, to take care of the medical staff. This way, they will stay all week in their new housing. It’s much too dangerous to go out and be on the roads each day.
We give special thanks to an anonymous couple who sponsored this project. Thank you Anneice for giving $10,000 towards the furniture, and $5,000 towards the building. Thank you, Mark, Jesse, Bryan, and all the Haitian construction workers who worked so hard. A special thanks to Terry and Graham who flew in from the state of Washington to help put the roof on. We love you all!!! Mission Accomplished!!
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