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We found Jackson during a Mobile Medical Clinic in Savaan Pit, Haiti, in the mountains. His belly was so swollen with water due to malnutrition that we could barely pick him up! He insisted that we “take him back with us…” When we told him we could not, he began to cry and cry… So, we did. That began a very long, intensive, expensive, life-saving mission…

We took him to the doctors in Haiti first, who treated him as an adult and tried to put the insertion hole for dialysis in his neck instead of his stomach. When we needed blood for him, we had to send at least six of our workers to the Red Cross because Haiti will not give blood unless relatives “go to the Red Cross, donate blood,” and then they “send back blood!” You can imagine what we have been through!

Through one of our Love A Child partners, we were extremely blessed to be able to “purchase” a dialysis machine for him. When he travels to the Dominican Republic, two nurses, all his medicines, all his dialysis equipment, all his medicines have to go with him!

With the help of Jesse Ostrander, Pastor Mark Ostrander’s son, he found the right doctors in the Dominican Republic. They are good, but very, very, very strict! They have done an excellent job in getting Jackson on a “special diet,” “special liquids to drink,” etc.

Jackson had recently gotten very sick and could not even go to school… Every two hours, a nurse had to be with him, monitor his vitals, take pictures, and send everything to the doctors in the D.R.

He is better, with prayer, but he needs to return to his doctors in the D.R. The good news is that the border has opened again and so we can send Jackson “soon” to the D.R. to his doctors! Jackson is older than he looks… He is now 17, but looks like he is 12 or 13! He will not grow anymore… but he is extremely intelligent and makes excellent grades in school!

We ask everyone to pray to pray for him.



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