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Jackson… An Amazing Young Man…

Jackson… An Amazing Young Man…

Jackson developed Kwashiorkor Malnutrition at a young age. When we were doing a Mobile Medical Clinic up in the mountains, one of Jackson’s relatives brought him to us. His belly was so big I was afraid to make the trip down the mountain with him because I thought he would die en route. His stomach was so huge it looked like a woman who was “ready to give birth!”

But Jackson would not take “no” for an answer. So we ended up with him. When the girls from our team took him to the outhouse, they could hardly lift him up on the wooden toilet! He was “all water.”

This began his long road of dialysis and many trips to specialists in the Dominican Republic. He is doing much better now. We want to thank “Jesse Ostrander,” who works with us! Jesse found doctors in the DR! He found an apartment for us because we were making so many trips back and forth!!

That apartment was three floors up! Each time, Jesse had to carry Jackson on his back up and down three flights of stairs!!! The Lord has a great blessing waiting for Jesse!

Jackson is short and looks young, but he is 19 and in his last grade in school. He needs a miracle “every day,” but we serve an “Always On-Time” God!!


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