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Jackson – An Update from the Mission Field

Jackson – An Update from the Mission Field

This just came in this morning from Jesse Ostrander in Santo Domingo, DR, with an update on little Jackson. Please be in prayer for Jackson. God bless you, Jesse.

Missionary Bobby Burnette


At about 7 this morning Jackson and I made our way to the hospital in Santo Domingo where he is having a procedure done to put a peritoneal dialysis catheter in his abdomen. There are several doctors working as a team here including a pediatric anesthesiologist, a pediatric nephrologist, a pediatric urologist, and a number of nurses and other health care workers. He is in very good hands. At about 9:00 they prepped little Jackson for surgery and put them under general anesthesia. He is now in the operating room. They will operate on him to repair an umbilical hernia first and then install the peritoneal dialysis catheter. This will enable him to undergo dialysis daily while in Haiti. They told me that the procedures should take about 2 hours.

When everything is finished and he recovers for a day or two, he will begin dialysis. Every night Jackson will be hooked up to a machine that will remove the toxins from his body while he sleeps. He will have new hope and a positive future. We know that the dialysis is only a temporary solution though. It is a bridge to a transplant. We are praying for a kidney transplant for Jackson, but for now this daily dialysis treatment will keep him strong. He will be able to have this treatment while at the orphanage and Haiti.

Please continue to pray for Jackson’s surgery and his recovery. God is good and always faithful. Jackson and I prayed before he went into surgery. And although he was nervous, he went bravely into the operating room alone. But we know that he is not alone. And we know there are many people praying for him. I will keep you posted.



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