I think you will remember this young man. This is Jean Edwouard, and he has been living at the Love A Child Orphanage for many years. His parents were killed in a hurricane and Jean Edwouard was left to live with relatives in the old village of Le Tant. When we found him, he was a restavec (slave child) for his relatives. This often happens in Haiti. The family makes the child cook meals, care for younger children and do a variety of other chores. Jean Edwouard looked so sad and skinny when we saw him building a fire to boil water. He was very thin, and we could tell he wasn’t getting proper nutrition. His aunt allowed us to take him to the orphanage where he has received lots of love, three meals a day and a good Christian home. Jean Edwouard is growing into a fine young man. He loves going to school and enjoys his huge family. Thank you partners for changing another life in Haiti. God bless you. Bobby and Sherry

Jean Edwouard – 09-20-17
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