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Jean Gardy, Never Misses a Penny!

Jean Gardy, Never Misses a Penny!

In Haiti, when a mother dies from a poor family, the child is automatically considered an orphan because the father cannot care for the child. His reason, if he is poor, is to work in the garden, or carry things for someone else to make money, or to sell something. Since his family was poor, his father brought him to our orphanage and we said we would help. Jean Gardy has been a rare kid. He never got into trouble (that I know about, Ha!), he always did his work, and was always very respectful.

He is small for his age, so one day, when I saw him driving our big flatbed, I stopped and yelled at him… “Jean Gardy, what are you doing in that flatbed? And who told you, that you could drive?” He politely answered, “Mom, I’ve had my driver’s license for two years!”

He is going to the university to study economics and accounting, and he is “very good at math and very good with money.” He and three of his brothers saved their money, put it together, and started a little restaurant on our property to sell cokes, snacks, “pates” (a Haitian food), spaghetti, etc. He has everything on his computer, but he calculates everything in his head!! He never misses a penny. We love Jean Gardy. He will have a successful life!!!


Note: I don’t know where he got that shirt!!! Ha!

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