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Job… All the Way from the Mountains

Job came to us “after a Haitian Pastor” carried him for hours down a mountain. He had been sent to another orphanage but they did not have room.

Job is now 15 and about as tall as a “coconut tree.” He is sweet and quiet, and you never know he is here!

About two years ago, he developed a horrible infection inside his lower leg bone. Due to gangs blocking our streets, we could not take him to a Hospital near us. We had to take him to the Dominican Republic!

They had to open his leg from the knee on down, clean out the infection, and fill it with glue! After nearly 6 months, we returned for his second operation to take the glue out!

It was successful!

Job is quiet, respectful, and makes good grades. He wants to be a doctor! He works in the yard and orphanage.

He loves dominoes, soccer and music!! He is the kind of kid that you would like to meet!

We all love him!


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