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John the Tracker! – “Follow the Poop!”

We decided to go on a “safari hike.” In order to go on this “safari hike,” it required us to listen to our guide first. We had to take a “walking stick,” carry a bottle of water, and remain behind “John the Tracker!” I would be in the middle and Bobby behind me. They were very specific! The Land Rover would be behind us “just in case.”

It was cold and windy, and they insisted on us carrying a walking stick. John the Tracker carried a huge gun, just in case a wild animal got out of control. We noticed John looked side to side, (for which we were thankful), but every time he spotted animal “poop,” John would stop! (He definitely knows the animal poop and the animal footprints!!!) He would carefully inspect everything. He could tell if it was White Rhino, Black Rhino, Zebra, or if it was a female! Bobby and I kept looking from side to side for some animal to come charging out of the bushes… and he kept his eyes on the “poop!”

After one hour of cold “Arctic-like” wind blowing us, carrying a walking stick, and listening to the “poop” stories, we were exhausted. We were so glad when the Land Rover picked us up! But, we loved John and we especially loved “John’s gun!” In fact, with the dangerous problems in Haiti, I wished we could have packed John and his gun and brought them to Haiti! Tomorrow, we are going to follow the poop and the footprints of a cheetah!

Note: Be sure to read Jesse Ostrander’s post! He is doing a great job in South Haiti. They are there right now, working on our Gabion House Project and also giving out food to poor families who greatly suffered after the earthquake. We are so thankful to Nelio, our Haitian Director, and all our Love A Child Staff for doing a great job while we are gone! PTL!!!

PS: I’m sorry we cannot reply to questions on Facebook. We have a laptop problem which should be fixed when we get back.
The Papaya Gang and the other gangs have been letting our Food Containers come through to Love A Child! They know everyone needs food!

I’m sorry that anyone who asked a question on Facebook did not get a reply. It is due to a problem, (or adjustment), on our laptop! It should be fixed soon! We will be back in Haiti on the 25th! Thank you!

Bobby and Sherry

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