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Jonas, a Serious Mechanic

Jonas, a Serious Mechanic…

At the age of 18, Jonas Alce is loving basketball, soccer….and especially working with the mechanics. (This would-be “job security” because vehicles here are always breaking down!) We found Jonas during a Mobile Medical Clinic in the mountains of Demesseau. His mother died, and his father could not take care of him. He is quiet, and you never know he is around…but when he is missing and not in school, he is under the hood of a car or another piece of equipment.

We have two good full-time mechanics, “Joker and Tony,” from the Dominican Republic. In addition, a young man named Caleb is an excellent mechanic. Jonas is learning from the best. He will, more than likely, attend a good “mechanic school” in Port au Prince. Jonas is funny, sweet, very kind, and quiet. He is respectful and gentle. I believe Jonas can be anything he wants to be!!! We love Jonas!!!! I’m so glad we found him during our Mobile Medical Clinic in Demesseau!





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