This is Jovanie Jean. We have had her at our Love A Child Children’s Home since she was a young girl. She came to us with red hair from malnutrition. After graduating from Philo, the last class in high school, she attended a nursing college in Leogane, Haiti. After four years, she graduated in November. She turned out to be one of their best nurses!
She decided to attend a midwife training college in Hinche. However, she still needed to take her “board test“ for her actual nursing “license.” In Haiti, it may be months later, that you take this test. She went back to Leogane and took her nursing license test today at 8:00 a.m. I emailed and asked her when she would get the results and she said, “Probably in three months!”
The education system here in Haiti would drive a normal person from the states, absolutely crazy. The children never get their test results, even from Philo, until months later, while in the states, students can usually go online and find out soon, what they have made and if they passed. We know Jovanie will pass, though. She studies very hard and her knowledge of the medical field is a “gift from God!” We are proud of all of our Love A Child kids who want to be the “best” in their field and serve the Lord and their country. Sherry