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Julia… a Great Lab Tech

Julia… a Great Lab Tech

We brought our first four children home from a mud hut in the village of “Babylon,” (L’Estere), in the L’Artibonite area. The next four came from Petionville… Julia, Dana, (Yolande), Florence and Franceau. These four children were sick and brought by their mother to our house in the mountains, and we felt even then that God had a plan for their lives. Soon after this, their mother died and their father could not take care of them, so we brought them into our orphanage. We had to send Julia and Florence to the Hospital for asthma and severe breathing problems. They were very sick.

After they were healed, they went to school. Dana, (Yolande), took five years of studies to become a “Pre-School” teacher and works at our Fond Parisien Love A Child School. Florence got a partial grant for college and went to Italy to study Radiology, and soon Physical Therapy. We hope she returns to Haiti, but if not, she may find a job overseas. Their brother, Franceau, decided to take Theology because someday, he will probably Pastor a Church.

Julia, (pictured above), took Phlebotomy and now, she is working at our Love A Child Birthing Center as a Lab Tech, and she is a good one. She got married about a year ago. We were so sad that we could not attend her wedding, due to the kidnappings and the gangs… but she is doing well, and has a wonderful husband and does a great job for Love A Child!

Our children are growing up, and becoming “part of the Love A Child Staff!” We love them all, and thank our partners for sponsoring these wonderful children like Julia!!!


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