Kenson is a quiet, nice-looking young man. You “never know he is here.” Kenson’s mother and father both died when he was “very young,” and he has been with us ever since.
Kenson is quiet and studious. He is obedient. And if I need something, he quietly does it. Kenson is in his last grade of school, Philo. He is also working with the mechanics and learning as he goes along. This is what he wants to do…mechanics! Sometimes, he is working on broken down cars and trucks, and other times, diesel generators! He has good teachers here, but he will want to go to Mechanic School and get his diploma!
Kenson doesn’t mind getting grease all over him, but when it comes to dressing up for church, a funeral, or anything, “he loves to dress!!” He is meticulous and wears everything matching! We all tease him!! We all say, “He still has a passion for fashion!” We all love Kenson!
We hope he has his own “shop” one day!!!