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Mountainous Landscape

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Kenzy… Our Upcoming Doctor

Kenzy… Our Upcoming Doctor

When you look at Kenzy, you see “sweetness and kindness.” Kenzy has been such an easy child to raise. We met Kenzy when his mother would bring him to our clinic. She had to take a Haitian boat from where she lived to the village of “Old Letant.” Then she would pay for a boat ride from there to the lake near us, and then to our clinic. Kenzy had “very severe” skin problems, and was always crying. Our doctor would finally get him cleared up, but when he went back to his mud hut, he would break out with itchy skin again. We determined he could not stay in a mud hut because his skin could not handle the dust. We told his mother that he would be better off staying with us… she agreed. Now, Kenzy age 8, wants to be a doctor. But in the meantime, he will continue to help feed the animals and keep the trash picked up. He is the sweetest kid in our orphanage! He may be “Doctor Kenzy” one day! God bless all our partners!!!


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