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Kidnapping Update

Dear Friends,

We are still holding on to our faith that our four Love A Child children and our workers will be released today from their kidnappers after two full weeks of terror.

Sadly enough, one of our workers from our Jesus Healing Center, Madamn Sophonie Bien-some, died in captivity yesterday. The stress of being a kidnapped victim was too much for her, and in addition to the stress, she had some health problems. We have all been so sad. This was a kind, precious nurse who loved everyone.

We, at first, thought a total of 14 people had been kidnapped, but we learned that four more had caught a ride “en route” after leaving our Love A Child compound, making 18 people kidnapped.

We sometimes feel as though we are facing a mountain, but God is the God of all mountains.

This morning, our children decorated their “home” with lots of balloons and “welcome home” signs by faith. The presents are still under the tree… waiting for their siblings to return.

Let’s keep on praying.


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