Do you know Kinam? He is a tall and handsome young man that has lived at the Love A Child Children’s Home since he was a little boy. Both his parents had died and Kinam was taken to a run-down orphanage that wasn’t able to take care of all the children living there. A relative called and begged us to take Kinam into our care. We did and you did too! You helped us provide a loving home for this little malnourished boy. He came to us frail and skinny, but look at him now! He is big and strong. Kinam enjoys playing soccer with his brothers, and he especially loves school and learning as much as possible. Our Love A Child partners are responsible for this changed life. Thank you all for making a difference in his life. “Love is something you do…” God bless you. Bobby and Sherry

Kinam Update – 01-08-18
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