In Haiti, Kindergarten Graduation is a huge event, especially in large villages like Fond Parisien. Mountain schools do not have the ability to do this, but here, all the relatives “pitch in and much is donated for this event! It is a chance to “dress up, and strut into the building.” We have six of our Love A Child orphans graduating and they are Betina, Natalie, Rodna, Nasline, Fritzner and Danielo! Some of them buy used clothing and gowns on the street. It is a lot of work but the children who graduate are all rewarded with a toy for their efforts. Now, they go on to the official first grade. Haitians love school and education! God bless all these little ones. Sherry

Kindergarten Graduation Day at LAC Fond Parisien School: 6-18-16 4:15 PM
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