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Kristela… “Christ Was Here”

This is my favorite picture of Kristela. No one has a smile and a twinkle in their eyes, like Kristela. We were doing a Mobile Clinic in Savaan Pit when a very sick and pregnant lady was brought to us. We did everything we could for her but noticed she had Voodoo clothes on. We prayed and asked her if she wanted Jesus to change her life and she said, “Yes!”

She died 12 days later and our Church held her funeral. After we got back, her father brought us a malnourished baby, covered with sores. He said he named her “Kristela,” which means “Christ was here.” We took her in.

Kristela will soon finish school and wants to be a Physical Therapist. (She practices on her “Poppie” when he has neck pain.) She is in charge of the Praise Dance Team from our Children’s Home. She is always happy, smiling, loves music, and is always “into something!” Everyone loves her!


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