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Kristela is the Sunshine in Our Lives!

This is Kristela. Her mothergrandmother, and great-grandmother were all deeply involved in Voodoo. They all lived in the village of Savaan Pit, high in the mountains. We were there, conducting a “Mobile Clinic,” when Kristela‘s motherMadamn Paul, came to see us. She was expecting, and she was very sick. WE knew that she would not last long, and so we told her about Jesus, and she accepted Jesus as her Savior. 

Twelve days later, Madamn Paul died after giving birth to Kristela. Her poor father brought the baby to us, covered with sores and malnourished. We took her in and raised her here at Love A Child. Kristela is in her “11th” year at school. She loves to cook, dance, and singbutshe is gifted at teaching “praise dances” to our young girls, and they are doing a “great job!” She has found something that she loves!!! 

Kristela is a “pistol! She sometimes gets into trouble, but she is tenderhearted and always sorry. I can work with that! She is “always smiling,” and sometimes, behind that smile, is trouble!” HA! We just love this girl so much! She is the sunshine in our lives! 


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