We welcome David George to our children’s home! Angie had to stay home in Georgia to prepare for 17 family members coming in for Christmas. We miss you Angie! Instead of giving toys this year, David gave a personal envelope with their name on it to all the children and the 55 staff members who work here in the children’s home. All the envelopes had money inside!! Plus David gave the money for us to pick up 30 pizzas from Épi d’Or!! Yum pizza!!! The children love pizza!! Today, David also went to Pastor Claude’s children’s home that we built together, and he gave all the children and staff an envelope with money inside! Tomorrow all the children will have a big meal. Thank you David, Angie and your friends. Love is something you do! Watch for Moses on the next post this evening. Sherry and I are having a blast with the kids!! Bobby

LAC Christmas Party – 2017
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