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LAC Kids Growing Up!

LAC Kids Growing Up!

Tonight, we are celebrating the birthdays of George (his birthday was yesterday), and Dieuferly (his birthday is Monday!) In Haiti, birthdays are a big thing, even if you are poor, or don’t receive a gift, the Haitians want to hear “Happy Birthday!”

The girls here at the Children’s Home decided to do a “Surprise Birthday Party” for these two, but the boys found out about it! HA! The girls have been decorating and others are cooking up a “secret recipe,” for tonight! It is great to see the older children growing up, loving each other, loving God, and having a good secure home life! God has big plans for them all!!

George was given to us by his mother, after “Hurricane Georges,” struck. She was very ill, had a harsh life, little food… so she asked us to take George. A few years later, Stephanie (George’s sister), came along, and we took her in.

Haiti is in a crisis, and we need a miracle! The streets are so, so dangerous! Today, as we drove home, most of the streets in Croix des Bouquets were empty and we had “that feeling” that something was going to go wrong… and it did! We live “one day at a time,” and in the hands of the Lord! So, tonight, we will forget about the gangs and the problems we face, and enjoy a birthday party for George and Dieuferly!!! They are so excited!!!


P.S. These birthday parties usually start after dark and go for a couple of hours! These kids all have a lot of “get up and go!”

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