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Latest Haiti Update – Important

I wanted you to see below the latest news from the UN General – Secretary proposing rapid-response troops…

Please, we need intervention now. The Haitians are hungry. Haiti is on the brink, as you can read in the report below.

Urgent: We have 25 Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) 40-foot containers full of food in Haiti’s Customs — which we cannot take out. Plus, they are charging us $70.00 per day per container in late fees while they are set there. Plus, a beautiful fire truck for Miracle Village. The roads are much too dangerous to move the containers out.

The people all around us in the mountains are eating anything they can to stay alive. It tears our hearts out for the Haitians, especially the children.

Please pray help will come to Haiti; the gangs are in control.

If we had the food there are so many areas we can travel to bring food in the mountains and our surrounding area. The Haitians are begging us to bring food.

Thank you for your prayers and support. Your support is needed now more than at any time in our history of Love A Child.

We love you.

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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