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Our hearts are very sad for the Haitian people. The gangs have overtaken hundreds of homes, and several mission compounds, and some entire communities have moved away. Hundreds of businesses have closed. People who have lost their little homes are just walking down the street with their families, with no money, no food… not really knowing where to go. They are in a daze.

In the middle of all of this, the revolution is still going on trying to overthrow the Prime Minister. Roads are blocked, fires… the list goes on. Does anyone care for the Haitian people? The gangs are actually in control. Life many days here is unbearable… and now the border is closed again.

I’m praying that Kenya or someone else comes to help the country of Haiti and its people. Sherry and I are so thankful to be missionaries here at a time like this to help and to stand beside the Haitian people. Thank you from the depths of our hearts for your prayers and support.

Bobby Burnette

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