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Thank you for your prayers for safe travel. We made it safe here to Punta Cana, the Dominican Republic with little Jackson (Jasson). Thank you, Philimond our driver, and Joker our Dominican mechanic for coming with us from here down to Santo Domingo for more blood work for Jackson. We are praying for total healing so Jackson will not need kidney dialysis.

We want to PTL again for a great miracle, the 400 Mawozo gang releasing our semi driver with 3 more of our people along with our semi and 40-foot container!! We paid no money. This is a miracle!!

Nelio told me this morning that when the gang kidnapped Casimi they didn’t realize he was with Love A Child. Nelio did a great job with God’s favor negotiating! They asked for a great deal of money. The Lord moved miraculously! We are praying for the 400 Mawozo gang (Papaya Gang). Nelio will be giving them food, sharing the love of God. Love is something you do!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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