When I saw two babies at different times being born right there on the ground with no help for the little mother, it changed my life. Years ago, when Daniel Louis was working with our Love A Child teams, translating, he had gotten word that his pregnant wife was having a baby. Since Daniel was far from her, his friend took his pregnant wife to several hospitals in Port-au-Prince. One said, “She needs a C-section and we don’t do C-sections!” It was late… the friend drove her to the second hospital, which had no electricity! He could do nothing but drive her back to the first hospital…
When Daniel finally arrived, he frantically searched for his wife in the hospital, not knowing that his wife and baby were already dead. The doctor came out and said, “Well, your baby is dead, but your wife is okay.” Daniel paced the floor until the doctor finally told him, “Your wife died also!”
Daniel came back to us, running across the field towards me. He fell down on his knees and screamed, “I’ve lost my two eyes.” (Meaning his wife and baby.) Since that time, his daughter Rachael grew up, got married, and was pregnant. She also lost a baby in childbirth and nearly died. This is just one of the stories of “why” we felt led to build the Birthing Center and make it the best we can, for the poor.
I want to thank a good friend, and anonymous giver, who gave the $250,000 matching grant for the Birthing Center to get started! Sherry and I want to thank so many friends who gave the other $250,000 to match it! We have spent up to this date $725,000 building the Birthing Center. Thank you to so many of you. We are doing this together!
The Birthing Center will have pre and post care for mothers. It will also have a learning center for mothers. It will take 85,000 watts of electricity to operate the Birthing Center.
Please pray with us… we are lacking the money for either a large generator or solar power. We have come this far by faith!! The dedication of the Birthing Center will be May 17th! Love is something you do!