I went yesterday to visit Pastor Claude’s orphanage we built together along with our good friend David George. They were completely out of food. We solved that! They have not had any power for three weeks now… no electricity.
I’m looking into solar power if I can find a cheaper way to do it. Just enough to keep the lights and refrigerator on. While I was there this little cutie was washing clothes the old-fashioned way by hand. This is how you must wash clothes in Haiti.
Pastor Claude’s orphanage is just down the road from Love A Child, about 10 minutes. I was by myself when I ran into a huge roadblock across the road with thugs standing there with machetes in their hands. When they saw me coming, they began to clear an opening for me to pass through. PTL!
I got out, shook their hands and thanked them. You can never show fear. Then, in the afternoon, Sherry, Doug, Jessica, and myself brought back some medicine and candy for Claude’s kids. I gave the thugs a little food too… A little love goes a long way here.