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Recently, we have had a lot of our children in Haiti come down with symptoms of COVID-19. They were tested and quarantined, but the tests have not come back yet. Mr. Bellevue, the administrator of Gwo Mache Mirak (Grand Miracle Market), heard about the children. He made a special “tea” and took a “double portion” of the tea to give to all of our kids. He said, “They will be fine.” (All Haitians believe in teas, especially those teas for kidney stones, which really work!)

It is taking a long time to get test results back, and they have no way of treating it. All of the hospitals are full, so in the meantime, we have to use prayer and tea.


E-mail from Mr. Bellevue:

“Hello, Mom Sherry and Pastor Burnette. I wanted to inform you that I have been seeing the children twice, they are healthier. Yesterday, I prepared a second dose in the largest quantity for the children in the orphanage. Brother Bryon was there, and he also drank a few teas. This morning, they will be better. God has already made provisions for us by giving us natural plants. Children are adorable, I love them. We miss you and happy for your return. With much love, have a great day!

Jean Lionel Bellevue
Gwo Mache Mirak, General Manager”

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