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Latest News from the Mission Field

Latest News from the Mission Field

Jackson is comfortable on the sofa here in Santo Domingo. He just came off his daily 12-hour dialysis cycle. Can you imagine being on a machine for 12 hours a day? In a few minutes, he will be reconnected so that another bag of dialysis solution can be put into his abdomen. This one will have an antibiotic infused in it. Soon, a doctor will come to the apartment so that she can change his catheter that goes inside of his abdomen. After the catheter change, I will take Jackson to see another doctor in the heart of the city.

To say that Jackson is brave would be an understatement. We received a bad report yesterday about his blood. We have had some trouble finding a match so that he can have a transfusion. In addition to his other appointments, we now have an appointment with the hematologist. He will have another blood test today. He needs a breakthrough.

Would you please pray for our little brother in Christ? He needs his spirits lifted and strength to return to his body. Also pray that the medical team will allow us to return to Haiti. Jackson misses going to school and hanging around his brothers and sisters.

I believe in the power of prayer! We have seen God do big things before. He can do it now. Pray for Jackson.


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