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Latest Updated News – Haiti

Sherry and I returned to Florida over the weekend. Sherry had broken her back in two places (two fractures).

Jesse Ostrander had lined her up in the Dominican Republic to meet a specialist and have an x-ray, bone density test, and an MRI all in one day. The doctor said her back is broken in two places, and she needs to return to her doctor in Florida and start therapy for 10 sessions. It was hard to get her to leave Haiti over the weekend, but I insisted. Sherry has a brace on with little pain.

She is up every morning at 3:30 AM, even here in America. She is moving and shaking. If you saw her today, you would not know anything is wrong with her.

The Lord has been good. In Haiti, I would have to help Sherry get up out of the chair. She had a tough time getting up and out of bed.

After seeing the doctor in the Dominican Republic and returning to Haiti, the Lord touched Sherry through prayer and the doctor.

She is not the same woman! Yesterday when we were walking to exercise, I had to ask her to slow down. She was walking faster than me, and she wanted to walk a long distance. I asked her to compromise and walk half the distance. Glad she did because I was already tired!!

I will be returning to Haiti as soon as Sherry sees her doctor this week and starts her therapy.

Please pray for Sherry and the people of Haiti. It’s unbelievable what is happening in Haiti as the world looks on.

It’s a joy to be a missionary in Haiti and to stand with the Haitian families, helping the children, uplifting Jesus and his love.

This storm will blow over, and the best is yet to come for Haiti.

Bobby Burnette

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