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Latest Updates from the Mission Field

Update: Kidnapping of Love A Child’s four children and employees

Please pray; we are expecting a miracle starting today and tomorrow.

We have a window of hope!…

Container update: Yesterday, Nelio, our director, started moving — by barges — our containers from Port Lafito to the Port-Au-Prince Port. The road is too dangerous to move the containers on the road. The first one was moved yesterday. The second one is today, until all 28! We don’t have the money to transport it all by barge, but faith doesn’t know this!

Thank you, food for the elderly!

For all of you who have helped financially with food and our Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals, thank you again. Yesterday we wired more money to South Haiti for Hubert to pick up more rice, beans, and cooking oil.

These pictures were just taken with Hubert giving out food, especially to the elderly.

Haiti is in acute hunger in the majority of Haiti. We’ve never seen a crisis like this in all the years we have been coming to and living in Haiti.

Love is something you do! Thank you…

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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