Wiggins (Jacque) is nine years old and in third grade. He loves to play soccer and basketball. He loves school and his favorite subject is math. He is the brother of Fabiola. He is not a child who smiles all the time but, rather, is more serious.
When his mother died, his “stepfather” could not take care of Wiggins and his sister. There were many times his stepfather left both children by themselves when he went to look for work. They became severely malnourished. He decided to give them both up because he could not feed them. That’s when the Department of Social Services came and brought us these two children, brother, and sister.
Wiggins loves his sister, Fabiola, more than anything in the world. The kids say, “he loves to sing and dance, like King David in the Bible.” Wiggins wants to be a mechanic!
All our children are “different,” but they all need someone to love them, and we love Wiggins and his sister!!! Sherry