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Little Samuel… a Winning Smile

Samuel was abandoned when he was a baby. We took him to “Social Services,” and they told us to “keep him,” because they had no room! He is a sweet kid, loves to smile, and sings “off-key!” He loves soccer and working in a garden! He finally got his “front teeth,” and now he has a winning smile! He is now 7 years old.

Little Samuel helps feed the donkeys and the horses in the morning. He also works on the “picking up trash,” detail! He “loves to eat,” and loves to play soccer, but cannot “carry a tune!” He’s been “singing off-key” since he was born! Ha! In the nighttime children’s service, he still sings “loud and off-key!” No telling what he will be! But one thing is for sure, “he will be, a success!!” He is sweet, hardworking, and always has a “winning smile!” We all love “little Samuel!”


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