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Little Sawensley’s Story… A Mother’s Biggest Gift!

Little Sawensley’s Story… A Mother’s Biggest Gift!

This is the story of a little 17-month-old baby named Sawensley. He is from Peyi Pouri, far in the mountains… He is living with his mother and father, but his father is a farmer and the soil cannot produce anything… there is nothing to eat or sell. This is a big burden for the mother with this child. Food was so scarce that his mother said, “She often wished a Manna Pack, (box of FMSC food), would fall out of the sky from nowhere so that she could cook it for her son.” She knew there was no way to send Sawensley to school one day and she would be really embarrassed if she could not do this.

Food was rare, so Sawensley did not get enough food. He became very malnourished. She knew that if she didn’t get help, he would die. His mother had to borrow money for a motorcycle to take him to our Clinic. It was a blessing that she did not have to pay any money at our Clinic, but the doctor said that the baby was so malnourished that he would die if he did not have help. He would have to stay at our Malnutrition Clinic for a while. He only weighed 8.8 kilos and measured 79 cm. Sawensley’s mother was so happy and thankful that she could leave the baby in good care.

She said that “Saving Sawensley and having him in the Malnutrition Clinic was the biggest gift she could ever have at this time of the year!” She will come every 14 days to see her baby and he will stay until he is in “outpatient,” at which time we will send a box of FMSC food home with her each time she comes (every two weeks)! We can’t wait to see how God changes the life of this baby! Sherry

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