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Food for Another Feeding Program…

Haiti’s children are in hopes of “a single meal a day.” If they get one full meal, they are so happy! But sadly enough, the majority of the poor do not even see the “one meal a day.” That’s why we loaded up our truck this morning to travel to L’Artibonite, where many poor live in mud huts, and children greatly suffer. We are feeding over 1,000 children a day, with some adults. We have hired cooks and they cook hot food each day, six days a week.

I wish you could see these children eating…many do not have spoons so they eat with their fingers…then “lick every finger.” Just watching a hungry child eat will make you thank God for how He has blessed you.

We want to thank Feed My Starving Children and thank our partners for paying for the transportation of getting the food through Customs in Haiti. The Haitians say, “You can’t eat okra with just one finger…you need the whole hand!” The same with feeding starving children…no one could do this by themselves. It takes a lot of “hands” to feed hungry children in a third-world country, but the blessings are tremendous! Thank you and God bless you! Bobby and Sherry

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