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Love A Child Kids “Easter Production” Continued…

Yesterday, we sent some photos that were from the “Easter Production” story of Jesus and His death and resurrection!

Our older Love A Child kids have been working on this play for many months… they made their own costumes and practiced their “praise dances” to do everything professionally! Our Orphanage kids have always been taught to do their “best” for the Lord! We are so proud of them…

While many children are on the streets doing drugs, etc., we thank God every day that our Haitian children are serving the Lord. A great man of God once said, “Whatever I do for the Lord, I must do it 100%, or God cannot bless it!”

One of our little donkeys, “Didi,” did her best not to be nervous inside the church!! The Easter Presentation blessed so many and brought home the reality of how much Jesus suffered for our sins! We have always raised our Love A Child kids “not to think of themselves” as growing up in an Orphanage, but in a home, as brothers and sisters in a big family, serving the Lord!

We tell them that if they put Jesus first in everything they do, they will be a success!!

We ask for your prayers that the Lord will lead these children into a good college. Some may be able to take courses online, but some will need to go outside of Haiti to a college because Haiti is no longer safe for them. We welcome your thoughts and your prayers for these children.

We know that “God’s ways are above our ways, and His thoughts are above our thoughts!”

Thank you, and God bless you.

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