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Lovely… She Doesn’t Waste Her Time

Lovely is really “growing up!” We first met Lovely through a sweet lady named “Madamn Cheap Cheap!” She sold souvenirs to our visitors who came to Haiti.

One day, Madamn Cheap Cheap asked us to take in a baby girl who had been abandoned by her father after her mother had died. It was said that her mother had a disease. We took Lovely in and brought her to a pediatrician who said that she had “a very serious disease.” She was not expected to live long, but now, she is 19 and waiting to go to college, to study to become a lawyer! She wants to defend the poor!! But due to the gangs on the streets now, Lovely’s college cannot open at this time… so, she is waiting. But, she won’t waste her time… She is volunteering at the Birthing Center! Lovely is a hard worker, very kind, and loves the Lord! She is another “gift from God!!”

Bobby and Sherry

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