Here in Haiti, eyeglasses are very special!! For a long while, their teacher could not figure out why they were making low grades! The poor things!! Their teacher finally realized they couldn’t see the board! Since the eye doctor is on the “other side of the gangs,” we had to figure out a way to get them to Petionville, Haiti, through the gang territory… but, we have some guys working for us who know how to do it!!
The boys have been gone a week! They just now came up the steps of our orphanage to our room and we heard “two little knocks on the door.” There were Lucson and Jameson with two plastic bags grinning and saying “Mommy and Poppy, thank you for our glasses!” This is a major thing for kids in Haiti. Well, we have two more going back to get glasses!! Thank you, dear friends and partners.
Bobby and Sherry