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Luckson… He’s Hired Already!

Luckson… He’s Hired Already!

Luckson is older than he looks! He is actually nine years old now. He and his family lived on top of the mountain of Covant, high in the mountains. Many women in this area have died during childbirth because of complications and there are no doctors, or even a clinic up there! When his mother died, his father immediately brought him down to our Orphanage. He already had four children to feed, and could not find a woman to nurse the baby. Luckson is small but smart! He makes good grades in school and knows many Bible verses! He loves to sing.

“Yes Luckson, you are looking mighty fine in your nice Sunday shirt,” but he’ll peel that off when he gets home and he’ll go outside to play basketball. What does Luckson want to be? A teacher at our Love A Child School! He’s hired already! Sherry

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