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Lucson… “Zorey!”

Lucson… “Zorey!”

The village of Covant was one of our hardest and most dangerous mountains to get to. We had built a church and school there and had done some Mobile Clinics there.

This is where Lucson came from. His mother Emile died during childbirth (this is why we built a Birthing Center)! When his mother died, his father, Oscar did not, or could not, care for him. They were out in the middle of “nowhere.” So, the pastor brought this little “four-day-old” baby to us and we called him “Lucson.”

He is a “funny little guy,” just like an old man in the body of a child. Lucson is always smiling and very happy, and is always there when you need work done!!! He loves to read and loves school. He is quiet but mischievous, and he’s in the 5th grade! He has big ears, so the kids call him, “Zorey,” which means, “ears!” He loves to play soccer, the goalie! He is “super smart” and does well in school. Oh yes, he wants to be a doctor!!


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