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Mackenson… “Fortunate to be Alive!”

Mackenson… “Fortunate to be Alive!”

I first met Mackenson in one of our Mobile Clinics in the mountains of Covant. We were conducting a Mobile Clinic where there were no doctors, pharmacies, or clinics. We were so far in the mountains that there were no healthcare areas or even a local nurse! An old man arrived carrying a “toddler” in very bad condition. Mackenson’s arms, legs, and face were horribly swollen. I began by asking the name of the child and how old he was. I was shocked when his father told me his age! Mackenson was much older than a toddler! He was in his teens! He was swollen horribly with “Kwashiorkor Malnutrition!”

We found out that since he was a baby, he had been eating “sugar crackers and junk food…” no milk, or anything nutritious. He was spiraling down. He was headed towards a slow painful death of “kidney failure.” We brought him to Love A Child and after about a year, he was doing well. But when he was in fourth grade, he had a “stroke.” It took a lot of therapy and he still walks with a limp. Mackenson dreams of being a geography teacher! Mackenson is fortunate to be alive!


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