You may have read our earlier posts about Mackenson. He had some problems at school today and was non responsive. He is now at a children’s hospital having tests run to find out what is going on. We will let you know when we get an update on his condition. We found Mackenson in a very poor mountain village called Covant. He was so pitiful and starving to death. It is so sad seeing children as lifeless as Mackenson when we found him. Malnutrition is very serious and continues to cause problems even after the children receive proper nutrition. Even now, Mackenson has brittle bones after years of poor nutrition. A few years ago, he fell out of a chair and broke his arm. It healed and he has been doing great. He loves going to school and enjoys playing with his brothers and sisters. He eats nutritious meals every day and receives lots of love from his huge family. Thank you partners for changing his life. God bless you! Bobby and Sherry

Mackenson Before and Today – 02-19-18
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