This is Madamn Betina Joseph. She is from Sapaterre, one of the villages that make all those “mud cookies” to sell and eat. Now, look how happy she is! She is making a living for her and her family!!! We wish to thank Andrea Schoolcraft, Michelle Williams, and Betty McNail, whose combined gifts sponsored this business for this poor, poor mother. Today, I saw and heard the stories of two mothers with several children. The fathers of these children left their mothers when they had their last child. I heard their stories and saw tears streaming down their faces as one mother said to me, “My children say over and over again that they are hungry, and I don’t know what to do.” This breaks my heart. That is why we are happy when we see a mother can have a little business “with dignity and joy” to feed her babies. Thank you so much, you wonderful partners!! Love, Bobby and Sherry

Madamn Betina Joseph from Sapaterre – 11-01-17
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