Have you ever thought about what it is like to live with 80 children ranging from newborn through college age? Bobby and Sherry live at the Love A Child Children’s Home with all the orphans and work to meet the needs of all these precious children. The Children’s Home started with only four orphans, but soon became eight, and then sixteen, and now Bobby and Sherry are Poppie and Mommie to eighty. The phrase, “Love Is Something You Do” is very real at the Love A Child Children’s Home. I’ve heard Bobby say many times, “Each child must always feel loved.” They have created traditions and rules that are a part of the children’s home and a healthy way of life for this huge family. Every evening, the children gather for devotion time before bed. One of the orphans may be the leader, and a couple of others might be helpers or in charge of singing and praising. I’ve been blessed to be a part of this evening service, and it is truly uplifting and inspiring. It is a time to worship God and be grateful for His many blessings. The service doesn’t last long, and it ends with a prayer. Then, all the children and room mothers hug each other good night. What a way to end your day! This is such a nice ritual Bobby and Sherry started with their first four. Now, it is a way of life. Thank you, partners for changing the lives of so many children in Haiti. Tammie Anderson – LAC Team Member

So many loving children: 1-24-18 7:00 PM
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