We want to welcome Bob Stufflebeam, Norm Trebilcock, and his daughter, Jennifer, to Love A Child in Haiti. Bob was a former Love A Child missionary along with his wife, Carole, until they retired. However, Bob is now working for Love A Child at our warehouse in Fort Myers, and Norm is on our Board of Directors. They are doing a “mapping” project and working with Engineering Ministries International. The “mapping” process involves locating and drawing all the electrical and water lines that are underground on our 100 acres of land at the Love A Child Compound. It is a “big job!” Jennifer has been working in the Jesus Healing Center helping to sort medicines and helping our daughter, Julie, in the Mobile Medical Clinic pharmacy. We are thrilled to have them with us this week. Bobby and Sherry

Mapping Project at Love A Child Compound: 3-8-17 10:00 AM
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